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Located in the Texas hill country outside of Austin, in the quaint town of Hye, Horn Winery is more than a tasting room. It is a venue for regular events and gatherings offering great wine and a fully operational distillery making craft spirits, for those who want a little more adventure.


Much like an orchestra, the finished piece is not merely the product from one person's training, but the ability of the composer to enhance all the best attributes of each instrument and artist. Even the Terroir of the Texas Hill Country offers tools for the composer to use and produce fruit with unique characteristics. Every instrument is played to make the resulting symphony of flavors; the barrels, the aging time, and even the blends themselves. At Horn Winery we believe that with a talented composer even the most trivial task can be elevated to an art form, and that is exhibited in every bottle of our wine.
ARIA (n) –
Self-contained piece for one voice usually with orchestral accompaniment. A showcase of our Cabernet Sauvignon taking center stage. A combination of French, American and Hungarian Oak with medium and medium plus toasting round out the performance leading to an extended finish.
MELODY (n) –
Musical sounds in agreeable succession or arrangement. The succession of single tones in musical composition, as distinguished from harmony and rhythm. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot & Petit Verdot combines this composition of Old-World tradition with New World media.
SEGUE (n) Seg-Way –
An indication to the performer to proceed to the following movement or section without a break or to continue in the same manner. Some of the best performances are impromptu. No plan, great. No rules, even better. Play on, or hit rewind and start it all over.


Hearts: What the distiller includes in the finished product. After making the first cut to remove the undesireable distillates, the hearts follow and then, finally the tails. Limited by only the azeotrope, the strong bond made with water, our spirits provide a truly enjoyable experience.

Horn Winery & Tasting Room
9953 West U.S. Hwy 290
Hye, TX 78635